What is Guduchi ? And its 10 Health Benefits in Ayurveda

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Guduchi, also known as Tinospora cordifolia, is a plant from the Menispermaceae family. In Sanskrit, “Guduchi” means “the one that protects the body from diseases.” Another name for Guduchi is “Amrita,” which means “the heavenly elixir” in Hindu mythology. According to legends, Guduchi kept the god’s young forever by preventing aging.

Many studies have already shown its benefits, and research continues to explore how Guduchi can improve health.

Often found climbing Neem trees, this plant is renowned for its exceptional medicinal properties and commonly earns the title of “herbal antibiotic.” Practitioners have used Guduchi as a staple in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, offering a range of health benefits.

For thousands of years, people have used herbs to treat various health problems. Unlike modern medicines, which are often made from chemicals, herbal remedies are natural and have fewer side effects. They work gently with the body to promote healing and balance.

What is Guduchi?

In Ayurveda, practitioners consider Guduchi (giloy) a powerful and vital herb with many uses. They believe it extends life and have recognized its health benefits since ancient times. They use Guduchi to treat a variety of conditions, including fever, diabetes, urinary tract issues, anemia, jaundice, asthma, and heart problems. It is especially known for its ability to boost the immune system and correct autoimmune disorders. Ayurvedic expert Acharya Charak recommended Guduchi juice as a powerful health tonic, or “Rasayana; which means it promotes longevity and rejuvenation. It balances all three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—making it a versatile remedy for many ailments.

Classical Names of Giloy :

Chakralakshanika, amrita, avyatha, chakrangi, amrutvalli, kundalini, tantrika, vishalya, somavalli , giloy ,gulvel .

guduchi Leveas

Raspanchak (properties of giloy):

Ras( taste): Tikta (bitter )

veerya(potency): Ushna (Hot)

Vipaak (post-digestive effect):Madhura (sweet).

Guna (property): light (Laghu) and slightly oily (Snigdha) in nature

Karma (action on tridosha): balance all three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha(tridosha -shamak)

Rogaghnata: Kushtha, Vatarakta, Netraroga, Trishna, Daha, Chhardi, Aruchi, Agnimandya, Shoola, Yakridvikara, Kamala, Amlapitta, Pravahika, Atisara, Raktatisara, Grahani, Krimi, Arsha, Hriddaurbalya, Pleehavriddhi, Vastishotha, Raktavikara, Amavata, Pandu, Shwasa, Kasa, Shukradaurbalya, Prameha, Madhumeha, Mootrakrichchhra, Kushtha, Visarpa, Twagroga, Phiranga, Jwara, Vishamajwara, Jeernajwara.

Karma: Vedanasthapana, Kushthaghna, Trishnanigrahana, Chhardinigrahana, Deepana, Pachana, Pittasaraka, Anulomana, Sangrahi, Krimighna, Hridya, Raktashodhaka, Raktavardhaka, Kaphaghna, Vrishya, Balya, Pramehahara, Mootrajanana, Iwaraghna, Dahaprashamana, Rasayana

source : istock

Guduchi in Ayurvedic Texts

Guduchi Swarasa (juice) and Guduchi Kalka (paste) from the stem of Tinospora cordifolia are mentioned in classical texts for treating fever. It is one of over 800 plant species known to have hypoglycemic properties, making it valuable in managing diabetes. Classical Ayurvedic texts emphasize the use of Guduchi sattva at different stages of Prameha (diabetes). Additionally, Guduchi Ghana has been proven to have significant anti-inflammatory activity.

Rasayana, or rejuvenation therapy, aims to enhance the quality of body cells and tissues (dhatus), and Guduchi is considered one of the most potent Rasayana drugs in Ayurveda. It is also one of the four drugs in Medya Rasayana, which has anxiolytic and tranquilizing effects, helping maintain mental health.

The four Medhya rasayana are Guduchi ((Tinospora cordifolia), Mandukaparni (Centellaasiatica), Shankapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Madhuyashti (Glycyrrhiza glabra).

Ayurvedic Perspective on Health and Guduchi’s Role

Ayurveda aims to maintain health and cure ailments by balancing the body’s three energies, or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When these doshas are balanced, we feel healthy; when they are not, illness can occur. Ayurveda addresses modern lifestyle issues through diet, lifestyle, and mental health, and deviations from its principles can disturb this balance, leading to diseases like gastritis and toxin buildup.

Guduchi is a very important herb in Ayurveda because it helps balance all three doshas. It is often called a “Rasayana,” which means it helps rejuvenate the body and mind. Guduchi is believed to boost immunity, cleanse the body, and improve overall health. Because of these qualities, Ayurveda uses Guduchi to treat a wide range of health problems, from infections to chronic conditions like diabetes and arthritis.

In simple terms, Guduchi is like a natural health tonic that helps keep the body in balance and supports long-term wellness

Nutritional Composition and Medicinal Properties of Guduchi

The rich content of micronutrients, macronutrients, and phytochemicals in Guduchi gives it its medicinal properties. Practitioners use every part of the plant, including its leaves, stem, fruits, and roots, for its nutraceutical value. They obtain the bitter starch known as Guduchi satva from the stem, which is highly nutritive and digestive, and use it to treat several ailments.

Medicinal Uses of Guduchi

  1. Diabetes Control
    • The whole plant is crushed, and the juice is extracted. Taking 10 ml of this juice three times daily before meals effectively controls blood glucose levels.
  2. Jaundice Relief
    • A paste made from 10 grams of Guduchi leaves mixed with buttermilk, taken twice daily for one week, can relieve jaundice symptoms.
  3. Fever Reduction
    • Boil 5 grams of Guduchi stems in 100 ml of water until it reduces to a quarter of its volume. Drinking this decoction twice a day is an effective remedy for fever. For enhanced results, add Parpataka (Fumaria officinalis), Chandana, dry ginger, and Mustha (Cyperus rotundus) to the preparation.
  4. Gastritis Treatment
    • A decoction made from 5 grams of Guduchi stem, a handful of Nimba leaves, and Patola leaves cooked in 100 ml of water and reduced to one-fourth of its volume. Administering this mixture with honey twice daily helps treat gastritis.
  5. As a Rasayana (Rejuvenator)
    • Consuming 20 ml of Guduchi juice daily is recommended for those with AIDS. Research shows that it boosts immunity, strengthens the body’s defense mechanisms against the retrovirus, and increases the patient’s lifespan.
  6. Arthritis Management
    • Taking 20 ml of Guduchi juice twice daily is beneficial for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Additional Health Benefits of Guduchi

  • Pilonidal Sinus: Guduchi juice combined with turmeric paste can effectively remove skin debris, pus, and dirt particles, aiding in wound healing and treating Pilonidal Sinus.
  • Dengue Fever: Administering 40 ml of Guduchi Kwat throughout the day during dengue hemorrhagic fever can improve platelet count, reduce fever, and relieve rashes with no side effects.
  • Gout Management: Guduchi extract shows potent uricosuric action, effectively managing Vatarakta (gout) by normalizing serum uric acid levels and relieving symptoms .Vatarakta is one of the unique disorders in among Vatavyadhi – a group of nervous disorder. Combine effect of stem extract of Guduchi and Trapusha (cucumber) juice was tested in the management of Vatarakta.
  • Immune System Boost: Consuming Guduchi stem juice twice a day strengthens the immune system and helps treat skin disorders like Kandu and Visarpa.
  • Male Reproductive Health: Guduchi is a highly effective aphrodisiac herb. Regular use helps detoxify and rejuvenate the male reproductive system. Due to its adaptogenic and aphrodisiac properties, Guduchi helps increase sperm count, sperm motility, and erection time.

Guduchi’s Role in Modern Medicine

Guduchi has shown efficacy in various modern medical conditions:

  • Swine Flu Prevention: Effective in preventing swine flu as per Patanjali Yogapith.
  • Sexual Health: Guduchi, combined with other herbs, improves sexual performance and treats dysfunction.
  • Diabetes Management: Guduchi-based compounds have shown significant results in managing diabetes.
  • Infective Hepatitis: Guduchi tablets have proven effective in treating infective hepatitis.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: A combination of Suddha guggulu and Guduchi kwatha provides marked relief from rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

How to Use Guduchi:


Decoction: 50-100 ml

Powder: 3-6 gm

Sattva (starch from roots and stems): 1-2 gm

Juice (Swarasa): 5-10ml


Guduchyadi churna, Guduchyadi kratha. Guduchyadi lauha, Amritarishta, Guduchi taila, Guduchyadi taila. Sarvajwarahara lauka, Dashamoolarishta, Kaishore guggulu, Pathyadi kvatha, Sanjivani vari, Kantakari avaleha, Chyavanaprasha, Guduchi satva. Amritottara kvatha churna, Chinnodbhavadi kvatha churna. Brihat guduchi taila, Stanyushodhana kashaya churna, Panchanimba churna, Brihanmarichadva taila, Guduchi ghrita. Amritaguggulu, Amritashtaka churna, Bhadramustadi kvatha.

Churna: Rasavan churna, Sudarsana churna

Kwatha: Gudichyadi kwatha, Punarnavastaka kwatha

Arista: Amritarista

Ghrita: Guduchi Ghrita, Amritadi Ghrita, Panchatikta Ghrita

Taila: Guduchyadi taila

Vati: Samsamni vati, Chandraprabka ‘vati

Lauha: Guduchyudi lauha

Rasa-ausadhi:Gandhak rasayan, Chandrakala rasa

Nursery Raising and Planting Guduchi

We can grow guduchi by taking stem cuttings in May-June. They provide support, preferably from Neem and Mango trees, which are believed to enhance the plant’s medicinal value.

Home Remedy Preparation of Guduchi Juice

  • Take a fresh Guduchi stem, at least one foot long.
  • Cut it into small pieces.
  • Crush the pieces and add them to one liter of water.
  • You may add Tulsi leaves, Ashwagandha, etc.
  • Boil the mixture on low flame until only 250 ml of water remains.
  • Let the mixture cool down to a lukewarm temperature.
  • Filter the mixture and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach for better results.

Safety and Side Effects

Guduchi generally has no side effects. However, when taken with other diabetic medications, it may lower blood sugar levels too much. Additionally, Guduchi may activate the immune system, potentially worsening symptoms in autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.Please do consult your health care provider before taking any Ayurvedic formulations.


Guduchi is one of the most valued herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Every part of the plant is used for healing, and it is aptly named the “Divine Nectar.” Guduchi’s long list of medicinal uses includes supporting the immune system, skin, liver, spleen, stomach, blood, and intestines. It is also used to treat the side effects of chemotherapy. As awareness of Guduchi’s benefits grows, its importance in health and wellness continues to rise, solidifying its reputation as the “Queen of all Herb

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