Varicose veins are dilated , swollen and twisted veins that are visible under the surface of skin. They commonly occur in lower legs but can develop rarely in upper limbs . Sometimes in other parts of the body also. Varicose veins occur when the valves in the veins that help blood flow towards the heart (venous valve) become weak or damaged it prevents the back flow of blood which causes pressure in the veins that make them enlarge. This leads to symptoms such as aching pain , swelling, heavy feeling in affected limbs.
Ayurvedic overview:

In Ayurveda varicose veins are called sirajgranthi ” ‘ Sira’ means veins ‘ granthi ‘ means cyst/knot/swelling. Thus the name sirajgranthi .
This condition arises due to imbalance of the Doshas, particularly Vata, Pitta leading to poor circulation and weaken venous valve.
Combining conventional medical treatment with alternative therapies addresses the whole person-mind, body and soul.
Varicose Veins in Ayurveda:
Three basic fundamental elements in Ayurveda are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Vata Dosha: Responsible for movement and circulation in body . When aggravated it leads to increased dryness and weakening in the veins because of which swelling occurs.
Pitta Dosha: Responsible for heat and metabolism. When aggravated can cause inflammation and burning sensation in veins .
Kapha Doshas : Less commonly involved ,but it’s imbalance can contribute to swelling and heaviness in legs .
Causes for Variose veins:
Primary cause: people with vata dosha(prakriti) dominance often suffer from varicose veins. As dryness and weakness in veins wall occur which leads swelling of veins . If Pitta Dosha is increased it causes inflammation and heat in veins, which causes pain and burning sensation. Contributing factors:
Diet : weak digestive fire causes accumulation of toxins (Ama) in body which obstruct the channels and impairs circulation. Poor dietary habits such as overeating , eating processed and unhealthy, oily , spicy food contribute to dosha imbalance.
Posture: Individuals involved in long standing activities or walking like watchman, cops, security guard, rickshaw wala, teachers etc . Increase pressure on veins cause the condition.
Other factors: Aging, obesity, stress , sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy.
Common Symptoms of varicose veins:
Pain, swelling and heaviness in legs.
Visible tortuous (twisted) veins.
Dry itchy skin around the affected area.
Diagnosis of Varicose veins:
Ayurvedic practitioner does Naadi pariksha (pulse examination) to check dosha balance.
Observing the affected area for skin discoloration, swelling, skin changes.
Inquiry about Lifestyle habits, diet .
Confirmation of diagnosis nowadays is done by duplex Doppler ultrasound of lower legs.

Treatment of Varicose veins:
1. Lifestyle and dietary changes:
Balancing vata dosha and pitta Dosha by vata, pitta pacify diet . Taking cooing and soothing food like green leafy vegetables, cucumber. Plenty of water to maintain hydration. Avoid spicy, oily and processed food. Follow a proper routine (dinacharya) that includes waking up early, regular meals, proper sleep, stress management techniques
2. Ayurvedic treatment:
Herbal remedies – saarivaghan vati : blood purifier tablets . Kishore guggul: Helps to reduce inflammation and improve circulation. Triphala: Detoxifies body and help to improve digestion. Ashwagandha: Help to manage stress and improve overall health. Tulsi and coriander leaves to chewed or make chutney and consumed.
External treatment: Abhyangan( oil massage) – Daily massage with warm medicated oil like sesame oil helps to improve circulation. Case study in Sri Lanka shows application of paste of leaves of marigold flower on affected areas for few days along with other medications is also helpful.
3. Panchkarma:
Acharya Sushruta suggests jaluka (Leech therapy ) called Raktmokshana (Blood letting) to remove the excessive Pitta. It is done for 2 -3 days. It is best treatment to remove vitiated pitta dosha . Saliva leech contains chemicals which helps to dilate affected blood vessels. Detoxifying treatments such as Therapeutic purgation (Virechan) for pitta and Enema therapy (Basti) for vata dosha is also done if needed to remove toxins.
4. Yoga and Excercise:
Alternate Nose breathing (Anuloman viloman ) and shitali pranayama should be practiced. Exercise like Legs up the wall ( viparita karani) can be done.
5. Stress management:
meditation to calm the mind . Shirodhara (pouring oil on head) to calm mind and balance nervous system.
6. Traditional Chinese medicine:
Acupuncture – Inserting fine needles into specific points to improve blood flow and reduce Pain .Formulations that include Ginkgo biloba Horse chestnut to strengthen the veins.
7. Naturopathy medicine:
supplements such as vitamin C , K,, bioflavonoid to support vein health are used. Hydrotherapy: Alternate hot and cold water treatment to stimulate blood flow and reduce discomfort .
8.Modern medicine:
conservative management involves compression stockings, foot elevation, Antibiotics, regular cleaning and dressing if ulcers. Ligation or sclerotherapy is also done. Sometimes due to reoccurrence of the condition may lead to venous ulcer (varicose ulcer) . If ulcer is not treated on time it gets infected leading to cellulitis or gangrene and eventually may lead to amputation of leg.
Preventive measures for varicose veins:
Follow regular exercise and yoga routine.
Take proper diet and adequate water to maintain hydration.
Try to follow lifestyle changes mentioned above to maintain balance of Doshas.
Avoid prolonged standing or sitting.
Conventional treatment :
compression stockings are used to help to improve blood flow and reduce swelling.
Laser treatment – use of light energy to close of veins.
surgery– stripping and ligation procedure are done to tie or remove large veins.
sclerotherapy – It is done to close small veins.
Following the above comprehensive care which addresses physical symptoms, Lifestyle factors and mental health, improves quality of life by treating the whole person.
Importance of Compression Stockings in Varicose Veins :

Compression stockings are a widely recommended and effective treatment for managing varicose veins. They provide several key benefits:
1. Improving Blood Flow – Compression stockings apply graduated pressure to the legs, with the highest pressure at the ankle that gradually decreases up the leg. – This helps improve venous blood flow back to the heart, reducing the pooling of blood in the veins.
2. Reducing Symptoms – By enhancing circulation, compression stockings help alleviate symptoms associated with varicose veins such as pain, swelling, heaviness, and fatigue in the legs.
3. Preventing Complications – Consistent use of compression stockings can help prevent complications like skin changes, ulcers, and blood clots by maintaining healthy blood flow and reducing pressure on the vein walls.
4. Post-Surgical Support – After procedures such as sclerotherapy or vein surgery, compression stockings are often prescribed to support recovery, reduce swelling, and enhance the effectiveness of the treatment.
5. Managing Chronic Venous Insufficiency – Compression stockings are an essential component in the management of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a condition where the veins struggle to return blood to the heart efficiently.
6. Supporting During Pregnancy – Pregnant women are at higher risk for developing varicose veins due to increased blood volume and pressure on the veins from the growing uterus. Compression stockings can help manage and prevent varicose veins during pregnancy.
7. Enhancing Comfort During Long Periods of Inactivity – For people who have to stand or sit for prolonged periods, such as during long flights or at work, compression stockings can reduce discomfort and prevent the worsening of varicose veins.
8. Preventing New Varicose Veins – Regular use of compression stockings can help prevent the development of new varicose veins by supporting vein health and function.
Compression stockings are a simple, non-invasive, and effective tool for managing varicose veins. They play a crucial role in improving blood flow, reducing symptoms, preventing complications, and supporting overall vein health. For optimal results, it is important to use compression stockings as recommended by a healthcare professional.
While integrative and Ayurvedic approaches can be very effective in managing varicose veins, there are situations where seeking conventional medical treatment is essential.
1. Severe Pain and Discomfort – If varicose veins are causing significant pain, discomfort, or heaviness in the legs that interferes with daily activities.
2. Ulcers or Open Sores – The development of ulcers, open sores, or non-healing wounds on the legs, which may indicate severe venous insufficiency.
3. Bleeding Varicose Veins – If a varicose vein bursts and causes bleeding, which can be a medical emergency.
4. Swelling and Inflammation – Persistent and significant swelling, especially if accompanied by redness, warmth, or tenderness, which could suggest a complication such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or infection.
5. Skin Changes – Changes in the skin around the varicose veins, such as hardening, discoloration, or thickening, which could indicate chronic venous insufficiency.
6. Blood Clots – Symptoms of blood clots, such as sudden swelling, pain, redness, or warmth in the leg, which require immediate medical attention.
7. Effective Conservative Treatments – If conservative treatments like compression stockings, exercise, and herbal remedies do not alleviate symptoms or if the condition worsens despite these measures.
8. Complications – Development of complications such as superficial thrombophlebitis (inflammation of a vein due to a blood clot) or other vascular issues.
9. Significant Cosmetic Concerns – For individuals who are significantly concerned about the appearance of varicose veins, especially if it affects their self-esteem or quality of life.
10. Diagnostic Uncertainty – If there is any doubt about the diagnosis or if the symptoms might be related to another underlying condition that requires medical investigation and treatment.
While Ayurvedic and integrative treatments offer a holistic approach to managing varicose veins, conventional medical treatments are essential in cases of severe symptoms, complications, or lack of improvement with conservative measures. Seeking timely medical intervention can prevent serious complications and improve overall outcomes. Always consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of action based on individual circumstances.
Myths About Varicose Veins in Ayurveda
1.Myth: Varicose veins only affect older people. –
Reality: While aging can increase the risk, varicose veins can affect people of any age, particularly those with genetic predispositions, obesity, or occupations that require prolonged standing.
2. Myth: Varicose veins are just a cosmetic issue. –
Reality: Varicose veins can lead to significant discomfort, pain, and complications such as ulcers, bleeding, and blood clots if not properly managed.
3. Myth: Crossing your legs causes varicose veins. –
Reality: Crossing your legs is not a cause. Varicose veins result from weakened vein walls and valves, influenced by factors like genetics, prolonged standing, and obesity.
4. Myth: Surgery is the only treatment for varicose veins. –
Reality: While surgery is an option, Ayurveda offers various non-invasive treatments such as herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications to manage symptoms and improve vein health..
5. Myth: Herbal treatments have no scientific basis. –
Reality: Many Ayurvedic herbs, such as Gotu Kola and Guggul, have been studied and shown to improve circulation and vein health, providing a complementary approach to conventional treatments.
Source – Case Study