Yashtimadhu, also known as Licorice, is a sweet-tasting root commonly used in traditional medicine. It is known for its soothing properties and is often used to treat sore throats, coughs, and digestive issues. It also has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects. Yashtimadhu, or licorice root, has a rich history and numerous traditional uses across various cultures. Yashtimadhu is commonly known as Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn., Liquorices, sweet wood, Mulethi , Madhuka,Yashtimadhuka,Madhuyastika,Vallimadhuka .
Historical Significance

In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, yashtimadhu is used as a rejuvenating tonic, for respiratory and digestive health, and as an adaptogen to help the body cope with stress. It is also used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years to harmonize the effects of other herbs, treat coughs, and reduce inflammation.
Properties and Action
Classical Categorization – Charaka Samhita
Acharya Charaka has quoted 50 Mahakashaya among which Yashtimadhu is included in 11:
- Taste (Rasa): Madhura (Sweet)
- Quality (Guna): Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Unctuous)
- Potency (Veerya): Shita
- Post digestion (Veepaka): Madhura
- Doshaghnata: Vata-Pittahara (it pacifies the aggravated/morbid Vata and Pitta)
Actions According to Acharya Charaka

- Chakshusya: Good for eye and eyesight/vision
- Balakrita: Provides good immunity and strength
- Varnakrita: Enhances color and complexion
- Shukrala: Having good aphrodisiac properties, increases the quantity and quality of semen
- Keshya: Hair tonic
- Swarya: Improves voice
- Vrana-Shothahara: Ulcers/wound healing and anti-inflammatory action
- Vishahara: Neutralizes the bad effects of toxins and poisons
- Chardinigrahna: Anti-emetic
- Trishnahara: Relieves thirst
Traditional Uses
- Insomnia: Consume 5gms of Yashtimadhu (licorice) root powder in 100 ml of warm milk daily night before going to bed for 30 days for insomnia.
- Asthma: Take 3gms of licorice root powder in 100ml of water and boil like tea. Drinking this tea two to three times a day is good for asthma. Yashtimadhu (Licorice) tea can also treat depression.
- Face Pigmentation: Make a paste with Yashtimadhu (Licorice) powder mixed with a few drops of coconut oil, almond oil, and milk. Use this pack on the face and allow it to dry. Rinse the face pack with normal water to help keep the skin moisturized for dry skin persons.
- Gastritis: 5 gms of Yashtimadhu (Licorice) boiled in 100ml of milk and reduced to 50ml. Internal administration of this milk twice daily relieves peptic ulcer disease, heartburn, and gastritis.
- Menstrual Cramps: Consuming Yashtimadhu (licorice) root tea every day starting three days before the suspected menstrual cycle periods of the month can help to reduce PMS symptoms.
- Hair Growth: Take 1 part of yastimadhu , 1 part of Amalaki and 4 parts of sesame oil heat on low flame , when bubbles appear .keep it aside and let it cool.Then apply on scalp after hair wash for 15 minutes and wash hair . Repeat this procedure for 2 times a week for 8 weeks.
Health Benefits of Yashtimadhu (Licorice Root)
Respiratory Health
Licorice root is commonly used to soothe sore throats, reduce coughing, and treat respiratory infections.
Digestive Aid
It helps in treating stomach ulcers, indigestion, and acid reflux due to its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
The root is used to reduce inflammation in various conditions, including arthritis.
Adrenal Support
Licorice is believed to support adrenal gland function, helping to alleviate stress and fatigue.
Skin Conditions
Topically, licorice root extracts are used to treat skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis due to their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
Immune Boosting
It is used to strengthen the immune system and increase overall vitality.
Safety Note
While yashtimadhu offers numerous health benefits, it is important to use it under the guidance of a healthcare professional, especially for long-term use, as excessive consumption can lead to side effects such as high blood pressure and low potassium levels.
Active Components of Yashtimadhu (Licorice Root)
- Glycyrrhizin
- Flavonoids
- Isoflavonoids
- Saponins
- Coumarins
- Polysaccharides
- Essential Oils
- Amino Acids
- Sterols
Recent studies have highlighted several promising findings about glycyrrhizin, a key compound in licorice root, on prostate cancer. Additionally, a study published in “Inflammopharmacology” explored the efficacy of a combination treatment with glycyrrhizin and boswellic acids for hospitalized COVID-19 patients, showing potential benefits in reducing disease severity (SpringerLink). Research has also pointed to the antiviral properties of glycyrrhizic acid derivatives, which have demonstrated activity against SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses (SpringerLink).
Integrating Yashtimadhu with Contemporary Medicine
Integrating yashtimadhu (licorice root) with contemporary medicine involves exploring its therapeutic potential while ensuring safety and efficacy. Here are some ways it is being integrated:
Herbal Supplements
Licorice root is increasingly used in dietary supplements and herbal formulations for its digestive, respiratory, and immune-boosting benefits. These products are being marketed with claims supported by traditional use.
Traditional Medicine Integration
In regions where traditional medicine practices are prevalent, such as in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, licorice continues to be a staple. Modern studies are validating these traditional uses, helping to bridge the gap between ancient remedies and contemporary healthcare.
Common Forms of yashtimadhu( Licorice)Root
- Dried root
- Used in syrups -cough syrups
- Capsules-yashtimadhu
- Tablets -yashtimadhu
- Powdered form – mulethi
- Ghrita – Triphala ghrita, Phala ghrita
- Arishta – Dasmulaarishta
- Hair oil-yashtimadhukadya taila
Recommended Dosage and Administration Tips
General Dosage Guidelines
- Dried Root Tea: 1 to 2 grams of dried root, steeped in hot water for 5-10 minutes, consumed 1-3 times daily.
- Liquid Extract: 0.5 to 1 teaspoon of liquid extract, taken 1-3 times daily, according to product instructions.
- Capsules/Tablets: Typically 200-400 mg of standardized extract, taken 1-3 times daily. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage.
Specific Considerations
- For Respiratory Health: Licorice tea or syrup can be used for soothing sore throats and coughs.
- For Digestive Health: Licorice root can be taken as a decoction or in supplement form to aid digestion and soothe stomach ulcers.
- For Skin Conditions: Topical creams or ointments containing licorice extract can be applied to affected areas.
Safety and Duration of Use
- Short-Term Use: Licorice root is generally safe for short-term use (up to 4-6 weeks).
- Dosage Limits: Avoid high doses, as excessive consumption can lead to side effects like high blood pressure, low potassium levels, and fluid retention.
- Monitoring: For those with hypertension, kidney issues, or heart conditions, consult a healthcare provider before use.
Interactions and Contraindications
- Medications: Avoid use with medications that affect potassium levels or blood pressure. Consult a doctor if you are taking diuretics, corticosteroids, or heart medications.
- Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Use with caution and under medical supervision, as high doses may not be safe.
Quality and Source
- Purity: Choose products from reputable sources to ensure purity and avoid contamination.
- Standardization: Look for products standardized to contain specific amounts of glycyrrhizin for consistent effects.
While yashtimadhu holds significant promise, its integration into contemporary medicine requires careful validation through rigorous scientific research and clinical trials to ensure its safety and efficacy. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. This ensures that licorice root is safe and appropriate for your specific health needs.