What happens if Vitamin B12 is Low

Reading Time: 7 minutes


Vitamin B12 is a nutrient essential for maintaining healthy blood and nerve cells , helps in making DNA ( genetic material) and preventing megaloblastic anaemia, condition that makes people tired and weak.
Vitamin B12 also known as cobalamin , is a water soluble vitamin. It is stored in the liver and if diet does not keep adding in body we are likely to deplete it. It is one of the member in vitamin B-complex. This is a unique vitamin because it contains a metal ion (cobalt ), which gives it name.

Recommended dietary allowance (RDA)

Adults – 1 to 2 mcg/day
Children – 0.5 to 1.5 mcg/day
Pregnant and lactation — 3 mcg/day

Functions of vitamin B12

Red blood cells formation : vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of RBC because if it is not in adequate amount RBC thus formed could be abnormally large leading to condition called megaloblastic anaemia , that makes people tired and weak.

DNA synthesis: vitamin B12 helps in making and repairing of genetic material called DNA. Vitamin B12 which is necessary for the proper functioning of the cells in the body.
Health of Nervous system : Proper health of Nervous system is based on vitamin B12. It helps in formation of mylein ( protective sheath that covers nerves and helps in transmission of nerve impulses).
Digestion :Vitamin B12 helps in proper metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein. It is a co-factor in enzymatic reactions needed for proper digestion of food.
Scientists are doing studies to find and understand whether the low level of vitamin B12 decrease cognitive function, vitamin B12 reduce blood level of homocysteine- a compound linked to increase risk of heart attack, as well as high or low levels of vitamin B12 affect risk of cancer.

Causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency:

Individuals eating too much of processed food , unhealthy eating habits and not following proper lifestyle are prone to different types of deficiency as their digestion process gets disturbed.

Beside this people with pernicious anaemia , an autoimmune disease where person cannot make intrinsic factor . Intrinsic Factor is protein necessary for making of vitamin B12 in stomach. As a result they have trouble in absorbing vitamin B12 from food and dietary supplement.

with advancing age HCL (hydrochloric acid) production decreases. If an older adult don’t have enough hcl in their stomach to absorb vitamin B12 that’s naturally present in food, They should get it from fortified food and supplements.

person with autoimmune disorder called atrophic gastritis might not absorb enough vitamin B12. Because they have little HCL and Intrinsic Factor in their stomach.

Person who might had some type of stomach and intestinal surgery also don’t have enough HCL and Intrinsic Factor to absorb vitamin B12.

people with disorder of stomach and small intestine such as coelic disease or Crohn’s disease also might not have enough vitamin B12.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency :

Feeling tired and weak, heart palpitations , loss of appetite , pale skin, Numbness and Tingling sensation in hands and feets , headache , mental stress, weight loss , inflamed tongue ( glossitis) .

Vitamin B12 can even harm nervous system in people who don’t have megaloblastic anaemia.
In infants sign of vitamin B12 deficiency include failure to thrive, delay in developmental milestones, megaloblastic anaemia.

Ayurvedic perspective :

Ayurveda the ancient science of medicine in India that does not specifically mentions vitamin B12 like modern medicine does. Instead Ayurveda has a holistic approach on the bioenergetic forces, vata pitta and Kapha. That are responsible for physiological processes in human body.

Ayurvedic texts do not mention specifically vitamin and mineral as we understand them today , the principal of Ayurveda focuses on maintaining balance and harmony with in the body through proper diet, lifestyle and natural remedies. Nutrition is understood through its dietary guidelines, the concept of Agni, and the nourishment of Dhatus. By following Ayurvedic principles of a balanced, diverse diet and maintaining strong digestive fire, one can ensure adequate intake and assimilation of essential nutrients, promoting overall health and well-being

Ayurvedic explanation on vitamin B12 can be correlated by looking at the functions ,deficiency symptoms and treatment as given by modern medicine.

Concepts of Ojas:
It is vital energy that rules our immunity strength. It can be increased and protected by eating nourishing food.
It is the by product of good digestion. Similar to Vitamin B-12 which is Known for its role in Energy production and cognitive function.
Jathara Agni (Digestive Fire) :
In Ayurveda good digestive fire is responsible for proper digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients similarly in Modern for body to make Vitamin B-12 first HCL in stomach separates Vitamin B-12 from Protein that it’s attached to. Second freed Vitamin B-12 then combines with a protein made by Stomach called Intrinsic Factor and the body absorbs them together. Weak Agni Can lead to Poor nutrient absorption, The consequences can be Be Vitamin B-12 deficiency.

•Rasa and Rakta Dhatu: Vitamin B12 is necessary for formation of RBC . In Ayurveda after digestion, primarily nourishing fluid called Rasa dhatu Is formed and then Subsequent Rakta Dhatu (Blood) is formed. For Overall health, these 2 dhatu are necessary. In Ayurvedic text, it is clearly mentioned that Rasa dhatu Dushti ( abnormality) leads to Anaemia (Pandu) . So it should be correlated with Megaloblastic anaemia.

•Plant based and fermented Food

Nowadays studies have shown that fermented foods also helps in making of vitamin B12 in body during digestion

•Herbs and natural remedies:
Ayurveda directly doesn’t talk about Vitamin B12 but has Recommended herbs that Support and Help in good digestion health for efficient nutrients absorption.

•Panchakarma (Therapeutic cleansing):
By enhancing digestion and eliminating toxins, Panchakarma can improve body’s ability to absorb and use Vitamin B-12 effectively.

By following Ayurvedic practice and dietary ideas , one can maintain one’s health and lead healthy life.

Sources of vitamin B12 in Ayurveda :

Sattvik food: Freshly prepared ,ripe or raw slightly cooked food. Include diary products in food like milk, yogurt , ghee, curd, paneer which are natural sources of vitamin B12. Consumption of these food help in making ojas and maintaining good health.

Fermented food : Fermented food like buttermilk (Takra) .The traditional preparation supports good gut health. It detoxifies body and cleanses the intestine, relieves constipation and helps to replenish intestinal flora. It has less fat compared to milk and is rich in calcium potassium, vitamin B12, vitamin K.

Herbal supplements : Ayurveda does not directly support vitamin B12 but has suggested herbs and formulations that help in improving Digestive Fire, proper absorption and assimilation. Thus improving anaemia like symptoms. Ashwagandha, Punarnawa Mandoor, Dhaatri Loha , Aamalki Rasayan,Avipatikar Churna are some of the Ayurvedic formulations used to improve digestion thereby help in making of vitamin B12 which is necessary for good RBC production.

Vegetarian food which are good source of vitamin B12:

Recent studies have shown that fermented grains or millets if consumed can improve gut health and help in better absorption of vitamin B12. Examples are Raagi Ambli , Kaanji , dosha , idli.
One teaspoon of nutritional yeast also gives around 4 mcg of B12.
Nori(seaweed) used in Japanese cuisine also contains vitamin B12.
Sprouts also contains vitamin B12 in their germinating part and some microorganism which also help in proper digestion . sprouts can be of moong, black chana , fenugreek seeds etc.

Vitamin B12 absorption can be increased according to Ayurveda by following these simple steps:

Diet and lifestyle changes: Include diary products like milk , curd , ghee, paneer, fermented food items, sprouts. Focus on diet rich in nutrients, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Follow proper timing, eat at regular intervals to maintain strong digestive fire, Always try to eat warm food as it is easy to digest.
Maintain good hydration by drinking plenty of warm water throughout the day or herbal teas to keep proper digestion. Avoid cold beverages as they disturb the digestion process and also avoid eating too much of processed food stuffs.
Stress Management: Do regular practice of meditation and yoga to reduce stress, which in turn effects digestion. Take good quality and sufficient sleep.

Panchkarma: cleansing procedure are done in Ayurveda to remove Ama(toxins) from the body and improve digestion. Thus helps in better absorption of nutrients. Panchakarma that can be done are Vaman (therapeutic vomiting) virechan (purgation) , Basti (Enema therapy).

Diagnosis of vitamin B12 vs Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment plan :

Ayurvedic Diagnosis include

1.Assessment of Doshas:

  • Prakriti Analysis: Understanding an individual’s constitution (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) then
    Identifying any current imbalances in the Doshas that might affect nutrient absorption and overall health.
  • Assessing the strength of Agni (digestive fire) through symptoms like appetite, digestion, and elimination. Physical Symptoms like Fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.
  • Neurological Symptoms: Cognitive difficulties, memory loss, mood changes, and depression.
  • Pulse Examination: Experienced Ayurvedic practitioners can assess the state of health, Dosha imbalances, and the functioning of various organs through pulse diagnosis.
  • Tongue and Eye Examination: Observing the colour, coating, and texture of the tongue to identify digestive health and potential nutrient deficiencies. Assessing the clarity and colour of the eyes to gather insights about overall health and vitality

    Dietary Recommendations in Ayurveda:
  1. Incorporate B12-Rich Foods: Include dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and ghee if vegetarian. For non-vegetarians, include eggs, fish, and meat.
  2. Fermented Foods: Consume naturally fermented foods like buttermilk, yogurt, and fermented vegetables to support gut health and improve nutrient absorption.

3.Avoid Processed Foods: Reduce intake of processed and junk foods, which can impair digestion and nutrient absorption
4. Herbal Supplements: Triphala: A blend of three fruits (Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki) to promote digestion and regularize bowel movements. Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Supports digestion and overall health.

Modern Medical Blood Tests: Regularly check Vitamin B12 levels through blood tests, especially if you are at risk of deficiency.

Treatment plan : Vitamin B12 Supplements given by healthcare provider in the form of capsule or if person is not able to absorb properly by oral route then injectable are given.
Regular monitoring of Vitamin B12 levels and overall health assessment to check the effectiveness of your integrative approach a personalized Ayurvedic treatment plan is necessary.


Vitamin B12 deficiency involves a comprehensive approach that includes dietary adjustments, herbal supplements, digestive health support, detoxification practices, and lifestyle changes. By integrating Ayurvedic principles with modern medical practices, you can effectively prevent and manage Vitamin B12 deficiency, ensuring optimal health and well-being.


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